Thursday 19 May 2016

First things First…

How did I get pregnant if I was over 30 and not “medically “capable?

After being on the pill for long and using Inplanon for 1 year (which I actually hated as it gave me a gift of extra 10 kilos) I went to the doctor to understand what I would need to do to get pregnant.

I got married in March/2015 and from April I was prepared to get pregnant and start my family. I went to the GP that told me that because of my age (33, not old at all in my view), history of taking the pill for over 15 years and also having thyroid disease (Hashimoto) I would need to wait at least 1 year without the pill to give my body a chance to start conceiving and if nothing worked I would be recommended for an IVF treatment. This crushed me a bit as I wanted to be pregnant asap, but if that was the way, I would just try my best.

I decided to stop the pill right away, made sure that I was taking my thyroid medicine regularly, continued to exercise and eat well (which I did for a whole 1 year before getting married to try look my best on my wedding day… things that I bride would do) and started taking Elevit and my husband Menevit (Pregnancy Vitamins) all in preparation for a chance in the future. In my mind I was calm as I had a whole year to try, so I also kept positive that I had time, so no rush was necessary.

From May to August I had to travel a lot for work and also for fun (my best friend bachelorette party in Hawaii J), so I didn’t have much time to worry about it. In September I was at another work related trip when my massage therapist questioned me if I was pregnant. I denied and she recommended me to check, so next day I got a pharmacy test and “SURPRISE SURPRISE” I was pregnant of around 3 weeks in September/16.

It didn’t take long at all (actually around 4 months) for me to be pregnant and I give all the merits to being calm, not over worried about it, eating healthy and exercising. Having my body and mind in the best shape possible for it.

I see people that really struggle to get pregnant and now I wonder if all the worry and all the misinformation makes us scared, so we actually tell our bodies not to do what we want. So from now on my focus  is to give anything a real try first, even if someone says is pretty much impossible, and if doesn’t work than we try somethings else, but being positive and relaxed for sure helped this Mum here that is very anxious to meet her baby in the next weeks J

A New Mom After 30

#momafter30 #inplanon #elevit #menevit 

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