Friday 20 May 2016

Can you have a pain free pregnancy, even after an injury?

I had a small incident during my Honeymoon (luck me J ) and I was diagnosed with an spine protrusion between L4 and L5. For that I tried many treatments and the only thing that could take my pain away was a Chiropractor using an “activator method”, that doesn’t look like he is doing anything but really helped me, it is not invasive and it doesn’t hurt.

I did the treatment from May to August and at the end he told me to just do a favor to myself: “Don’t put on much weight or get pregnant”, as I needed to wait my body to heal 100%. And so I did…September I found out I was pregnant and when I told him all we could do was laugh

We did a plan where I would see him every 15 days and he would correct any “issues” I could have because of the weight adding up. And incredible enough the only pain I had was related to my sacroiliac joint (SIJ) getting lose for the baby to one day come out, and I never remember I had the injury. He really did a miracle for me. Sure I also helped myself by only putting 10 kilos during the pregnancy but if wasn’t for him I am sure I would have suffered from real pain.

Also because of the SI Joint pain I talked with my Hospital and they offered me free Pilates/Physio classes in the hospital. That also helped with the SI joint and also with the pelvic floor as sometimes when sneezing things were a bit messy down under.

In the end both the chiro and the physio supported me to feel great and confident. So I think that is worth talking to you doctor about any and every issue you have and you may find helped, even free one like I did.

A Mom After 30

#momafter30 #chiropractor #activator #sijoint

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