Wednesday 8 August 2018


My daughter’s first year…

If I think my daughter learned a lot this first year, I actually learned more…
She has always been quite an “advanced” kid which made my life a bit of a challenge.
She started by wanting to feed like a maniac and not wanting to sleep more than 2 hours straight (for her first 6 months). Which made her quite alert and learning to roll and even crawl at 5 months old. At 6 months she was sitting by herself until she got to 8 months and was standing up and started giving her first steps. It all happened so quickly.
At 9 months I had a kid that was confident to walk and go everywhere she wanted. This all made me see that I wanted to spend more time with her as if I didn’t watch her grow up, she would just grow up and disappear from my sight.
As returned to work full time when she was around 7 months old I pretty much lost a quite a bit of those milestones and when she was 10 months I decide to quit and find a part-time job to be able to part of her daily little life.
It was not easy to make this decision as I was in my old company for 11 years and really enjoyed the job and my colleagues, which were more like friends. But that was my main learning curve being a workaholic was not helping this new job I just signed up for of being a MOM.
Now after a while that I moved jobs I can also see that there are other jobs, people and companies out there, so not only she opened my eyes onto the amount of work I was doing but also that you can have a perfect work-life balance. You just need to be real with yourself and find what you really want.
Those 3 days a week that I work I really focus on my work but those 4 days that I spend with her we play more, have more fun and I feel that my daughter is much more connected to me. 
I learn things from her and she learn from me and I would not miss those first years for anything in this world.
Some decisions are hard to make but sometimes we need a little tiny cute hand pushing us to make us see the bigger picture…

A now non-workaholic MOM after 30

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