Thursday 23 August 2018

Molar pregnancy was back or was I really pregnant now?

After my D&C in November where I found out I have had a Partial molar pregnancy the doctors said I had to monitor monthly for 6 months where I would need to have my HCG as 0 to make sure the molar would not be back.

I was doing all my tests and they were ok but on March/18 I got the call requesting me to return to the hospital as my HCG was up again. They sent me directly to an early dating scan but could not see anything. The risk of pregnancy was small as I was on the pill but because I changed pills in February the risk was not 0, but the risk of the molar be growing again was what really worried the doctors.

After 1 week I did another dating scan and now they could find a n egg, but it was an empty one which still was still not good, so I kept being monitored and my HCG kept increasing week by week too.

One more week passed and I did another ultrasound and on this one they could finally see a fetus… it was amazing to hear that, they could not find a heartbeat but just the fact that the fetus was there gave us hope that the molar was not back so they sent me to do a Harmony test as there I would be able to see more and make sure all was ok.

The Harmony test is not a cheap test (AU$650) but can show genetic disorders and also the sex of the baby so I decided to find out at this point as well. There was a quick ultrasound at 10 weeks with a blood test and a more complete ultrasound at 13 weeks and at the end we could even hear a heartbeat.

We found out we were having a beautiful baby BOY so we ended up doing a reveal the sex on my daughters’ 2nd birthday (which was only 3 days away) and announced all together.

We got so excited, the doctors were also happy but gave me a bit of a lecture of how I should have waited, but luckily it all worked out at the end.

Full video here: 

I now a happy MOM after 30 with a second baby due 14/Dec/2018 😊

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