Saturday 9 July 2016

Record Labor (5 hours), No Pain Relief and a Happy Outcome – It is possible.

I have low tolerance for pain, I am afraid of surgeries and hate needles.

I did all the courses/treatments I possibly could to help my labor as I had in my mind that I would need to cave to at least one of my fears. Either would need pain relief, have a C-section or would feel the pain. At the end I decided that feeling the pain would be my plan. Yes, plans change but at least I would try as the baby needed to come out.

At 41 weeks I was feeling ready, I did the Juju Sundin’s course, the Royal Woman Hospital Course, acupuncture, physiotherapy and chiropractor treatments, kept active with Pilates, Walks and Aqua Aerobics and read all I could about the birth.

I was booked to be induced on 01/Jun at 9am but at 8:30pm on the day before my baby decided she would come out on her on “Thanks Stephanie J

Here is the timeline and what I did:

At 8:30pm I had all ready to go to the hospital next morning and I started feeling some belly pain “like I needed to go to the toilet but I couldn’t.” I imagined that was just me being anxious.
At 9:30pm The pain wouldn’t go away, so out of curiosity I called the hospital. They said I could or not be on an early labor but would take long so I just needed to go to sleep and wait. I took a hot shower, jumped on my Pilates ball for pain relief and just tried to sleep.
At 11pm I had the expected “diarrhea” and instead of going away the pain now started to be more constant (1 minute strong for 3 no-pain). I called the hospital and they said the progress couldn’t be that quick but if I really wanted I could go there to check.
At midnight I checked in in the hospital and I was already 6cm dilated. I kept matching the pain and now I was sure I was in labor. I moved a lot, jumping on the Pilates ball, hips back and forth and side to side. My family also helped me a lot reassuring me and doing movements with me.
At 1am I started vomiting and my water broke and right away I had the urge to push. The midwife said to hold and not push as for sure was too early to push. I kept moving and doing all I could to match the pain and she decided to check and I was already 9cm. She started preparing all as my progress was being too quick.
At 1:30am I told her that the baby was coming and she checked and I was 10cm and really the baby was almost there.
At 1:40am with one big push baby Stephanie was out.

The midwifes said it to be a record labor and delivery. Best of all I kept my plan of no anesthetics. I knew when to expect the pain, which I handled quite well, matching it all the time with Juju’s techniques and knowing that I was helping my baby to come out, so it was a “happy” pain.

I wanted to be extraordinary and I feel like I was able to and if I can do it (having all my fears), anyone can J

I will share more about the hospital later which was also great. Here you can read about my labor at Juju Sundin's blog too:

A proud Mom After 30

#momafter30 #jujusundin #recordlabor #babybornquick #birthskills

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